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Writer's pictureKim Tiong

The Road to curing Social Anxiety part 2

Hello dear reader the last time we encountered I was talking about how I use my drawings as a way of managing my anxiety and using such bold colours like pinks , greens and blues as a pose to using dark colours to encourage my self-esteem well as you can tell from my tone I believe what I am producing is working  as I have taken my drawing to a whole new level by turning them into metal!

“Metal you say?”

Yes I have turned my drawings into metal by using the process of sublimation I simply used Photoshop and using the reverse side printed onto sublimation paper and then with a heat press print it onto coated or sublimation aluminium making my drawing even more vibrant. However, even though I had printed onto aluminium the hardest part was having to saw into them they were that pretty I remember I went home early from the workshop just to avoid cutting that but I eventually grew some balls and just cut the damn sheet! So my idea is to incorporate the 3 senses for everyone else suffering social anxiety but for me I have cheekily added a fourth sense a personal touch of sound as when I am making my prototypes i am listening to Coldplay’s new album as i honestly believe i see colour in the album “Head full of Dreams” I mean listen to “birds” the colours i hear in that mimic my piece which is crazy but true! Anyway  3 senses yes Touch , Sight and smell at first I was going to add a stone but i couldn’t fit it into the design without it being forced as I had plans for that blue agate!

Nevertheless this journey has been pretty hard as there came a time were I did have what I call “brain cramp!” yeah nothing flowed so I wanted to talk to people about anxiety and not saying this is a good thing but a close friend of mine took a panic attack and one of neighbours who I didn’t know suffers from anxiety knew all about this kind of thing making me feel less alone and more informed about this mental illness. I learned Blue is key as it reflects the sea is a trigger for calmness, having cold stones especially against the skin is very therapeutic and that smoothness of stones helps as well. Also i wanted to incorporate smells into my design somehow so i asked what smells calm people down the feedback was very different from “chocolate” to “Irn Bru” to “lavender” I eventually went with Lavender as people put it on there pillows to de- stress or to help them sleep so between my soft colours of blues, pinks and greens and lavender already the sound of this is making me sleepy mmmm!

For now I am still on my little journey to almost cracking this illness of mine as I have 3 Prototypes to make and already I am getting good feedback on them people seem to be happier when picking up my samples and smelling them so i must be doing some good could it be I am actually making a difference, the feeling of making people smile brings a sense of joy to me and if I am able to make people happy with my products then shouldn’t that give me the confidence to tackle the real world? Well I am very exited to see what i come up with in the end in the final product and actually use and test this amulet oh but perhaps that might turn into a different blog altogether who know haha 😛

See you next time guys xxxx

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