Global Service Jam
3 days 1 brief to change the world


Our brief we got the word "blue so we began to look at what words we can get for blue.
We eventually split into teams and further narrowed down our words and eventually went with the broad topic of Scotland since theres blue in the flag.
Field Research

We went out to ask what it means for people to be Scottish, we also had a conversation if about Glasgow and if they had any stories form childhood or generally any good memories and then asked to stick it on our Glasgow map. We thought this might be a good way to see if we can make Glasgow more meaningful.
Insights and Personas

From our map we created we found there were a lot of stories from different areas of Glasgow. This seemed very meaningful fo us but also quite disconnected as we found there might be information or experiences that someone else hasn't done before that the other person perhaps has. So there was an opportunity to communicate this.
We split our information its evidence insight and opportunity. which became more clearer in our heads. So we came to the conclusion that a conversation of information might be missing from the stories we collected but also their was a chance for tourists and locals to maybe find hidden gems between each other.
We then created personas based on conversations we had with the public in order to understand different perspective.
User Journey and prototyping

Storyboard/How it works

We planned a user journey to see how our service would look like. We wanted to create an itinerary for people that was popular suggestions to give people in certain areas such as the west end or east end depending on what they want to do. We felt that everyone goes to the stereotypical tourist places but what makes a better experience is recommended local places. We also considered it not being an app because there might be people who are older who may not have a smart phone so we wanted it to be a physical installation that could be accessed. We called our service Explore Glasgow.

1. First user collects a card and choose your journey. This could be West end Wilma and then you start your adventure with different check points to each location.

2. These things buttons will be available on bus stops as a bus will take you to a different location that is near your chosen activity.
2. These things buttons will be available on bus stops as a bus will take you to a different location that is near your chosen activity.
2. These things buttons will be available on bus stops as a bus will take you to a different location that is near your chosen activity.

3. Each button on the bus stop has a spear below to hear the option and recommendation generated by a local voice. This could be used by people who don't know what to do or were to go. this way is also a better way to keep track of your journey since there are a number of bus numbers so this simplified it.

4. Finally the user comes off the bus to scan their destination, go to their chosen place and then find the next bus stop for the next recommended journey. This is to update the button service to say what is next to explore and maybe they will recommend a bus and place to explore.
Overall this way finding project was an interesting insight onto realising how complicated Glasgow buses were but also discovering the needed desire for local opinions for tourists to visit but also maybe locals themselves haven't tried what tourists have tried and there is a mis communication between the two I believe this is needed in todays current situation and I would like to explore this further in the future.